by John Helmer, Moscow
Demjin Doroshenko, a Ukrainian-Australian who says he was employed by the Ukrainian security service SBU at the crash site of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 to report what the SBU intended in the western media, has replied to last week’s reports about his role.
Responding to publication of a classified interview record with Doroschenko conducted by the Australian Federal Police, and sent to the Dutch prosecutors in The Hague, Doroschenko now says he was defamed. Calling the Australian and Dutch police “criminals”, he says he “will write the truth that no one has seen yet.”
From early in 2014 Doroschenko has acknowledged he was employed by the SBU at the Maidan Square demonstrations in Kiev, and then in eastern Ukraine, after the civil war began in Donetsk and Lugansk. He was also engaged with what he has called his “SBU handler” to provide evidence he claimed to have collected at the MH17 crash site to Australian and Dutch government agents in July and November of 2014, and then in March 2015. The Australian Federal Police (AFP) transcript of the last of these interviews was leaked to and published by The Hague Times last week.
The document exposes collaboration between the Australian, Dutch and Ukrainian secret services to fabricate evidence of the MH17 shoot-down, in order to accuse the Russian military of the crime, and deflect media attention away from Ukrainian military operations in the area at the time. Doroschenko told his Australian interviewers he had personal knowledge of “physical pieces of the missile”, “parts of the rocket”, and the “rocket motor” with “serial numbers”.
Analysis of Doroschenko’s role as an informant for the SBU and for western media was reported by Max van der Werff.

Doroschenko was a dual national carrying both Australian and Ukrainian passports. He did not require a visa to be in Ukraine or to return to Australia. The other Australians at this meeting were not foreign ministry officials but Australian secret service agents. Source: https://thehaguetimes.com/
The AFP does not contest the authenticity of the document or of the record of AFP contacts with Doroschenko in 2014 and 2015. According to a statement by the Australian police, “the AFP has worked in partnership with JIT countries [Joint Investigation Team – Ukraine, The Netherlands, Australia, Belgium and Malaysia] in collecting evidence to support the current prosecution. The AFP will not comment on material which may or may not form part of the ongoing legal proceedings”. For the story of Doroschenko’s role, read this.
The Dutch trial resumed its hearings near Amsterdam today. The book of the trial can be read here.
Further investigation of the Australian, British and American media publication of Doroschenko’s “eyewitness” reports indicates the press pass he was carrying was issued by an Australian union of actors, journalists, and artists; it is not a publisher or media broadcaster. The union says that for its paid-up members it routinely issues an International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) card which can be used by freelancers.

Source: https://rusvesna.su/
Following last week’s reporting, Doroscehenko was contacted at an email address which has been openly published. He was asked for his “clarification of or response to any part of the AFP record that has now been published.” In particular, he was requested “to say when you arrived in the Donbass for the reporting you did from the crash site on the evening of July 17, 2014.”
Doroschenko replied: “I have just had a defamatory article published about me (Hague Times) without my permission or having vetted it for misinformation that was so published. The JIT and the Australian (Australian Federal Police etc and Dutch Authorities are criminals imho, they gave false information to the Ukrainian authorities that allowed me to be captured, had my property stolen and for me to be detained and physically tortured for information that I never had.”
The AFP document published last week, Doroschenko added, “is an incomplete transcript and does not cover many issues, and a lot has been deliberately redacted.”
Doroshenko also reveals that he was at the crash site on the same day as MH17 was shot down. “I was a first respondent on July 17th and spent two days searching for any possible survivors without sleep, using my skillsets to ascertain POL of the victims and to start the forensic investigation that I knew would be needed by an official response.”
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